Please find below the answers to some common questions. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, please contact me.


Counselling is a specialised service that supports people to develop a better understanding of themselves and others, address life’s challenges and make the changes they want in their lives.
Counsellors work with you to help you resolve the issues you bring to counselling. They promote self-determination, well-being and active participation in life for their clients. Counsellors use specialised relational skills and have the capacity to support clients presenting with mild through to more complex mental health issues. Counsellors utilise a wide range of therapy interventions, tailored to the individual, and are highly skilled in working with a variety of life difficulties.
Yes, sessions are conducted in a quiet, confidential and private space. I take great care to ensure that sessions and any records are confidential. However, I am a mandated notifier so, by law, I do have to report any suspicion of harm or threat to life (yours or someone else’s) and child abuse. In rare circumstances my notes may be subpoenaed by a court.
No, you can just book an appointment.
No, Counsellors do not diagnose disorders and do not require you to have a diagnosis or referral in order to access services.
Many people are confused about the difference between counsellors and psychologists and there is some overlap. Psychologists can diagnose disorders and tend to work within the medical/ clinical model. They may restrict themselves to one or two modalities as their training was more focused on diagnosis. Counsellors don’t diagnose and have spent a lot of time in training on relational counselling skills and studying a variety of modalities so that they can adjust the counselling modality to best serve the needs of the client. There is a place for both and it depends upon your needs.
This is a difficult question to answer as it depends on many factors. The average number of sessions is around 6 but some more complicated issues may take longer- and some may take less! Generally speaking, if you are motivated and committed to making changes, you are likely to see improvements within 6 sessions. At all times, you are in charge and can book more or fewer appointments depending on your requirements.
This again, is dependent on your needs. At first, it is recommended to have weekly sessions in order to develop and maintain motivation to change. Later, you may feel that fortnightly or monthly sessions are adequate.
General counselling sessions are 1 hour, which includes time for admin. TRTP sessions are usually 2 hours.
Individual sessions are $140 per hour, TRTP-please enquire
At the current time counsellors are unable to access Medicare rebates. However, this means that you do not need a referral and are not limited to a certain number of sessions. This also means that you are not registered on other systems as to why you are seeking or having counselling, so a professional counsellor offers complete privacy.
If you are with Ahm, AIA, Bupa, Emergency Services Health, GMHBA, HCF, Medibank, Nurses and Midwives Health, Phoenix Health, Police Health, See-u by HBF, St Luke’s Health, Teachers Health, Teachers Union Health, Unihealth or Westfund and have extras in your policy that covers psychology/ counselling you should be able to claim a portion of your costs. Please check with your health provider.
Quiet Minds Counselling requires a $20/ 20% deposit (varies according to where the booking was made) when booking an appointment with the remainder being paid on the day. You can pay by Credit Card, or direct transfer or correct cash.
I appreciate that at times you may find it necessary to cancel your appointment. As your appointment is reserved for you, I require a full 24 hours notice of your intention to cancel. Failure to do so will result in you being charged 50% of the consultation fee. Less than 6 hours notice or missed appointments without notification will be charged at the full fee rate. If you are unwell, we could swap to a telehealth appointment.
Monday 11.30am-8pm Tuesday 11:30am-8pm Thursday 9am- 5:30pm
This is a very good question as the sad fact is that Counselling is not regulated by the government at this stage so anyone could offer their services as a counsellor- without any qualifications or only minimal qualifications. I believe that this is wrong and potentially dangerous and unethical. I have a Master’s degree in Counselling Practice, am a Registered Clinical Counsellor and am registered with PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia) which means that my qualifications are approved and that I abide by all annual registration requirements including supervision and professional development. I also have considerable and varied life experiences which equip me to be an understanding and effective counsellor.
On the road behind the office building (Moar Street) there are usually free 2 hour spots, so I recommend using those. You can walk through the car park to the entrance at the front of the building very easily. Alternatively, there may be free spots facing the parklands opposite the office building. The street parking immediately outside the building on Greenhill Road is only for 1 hour or clearway so I don’t recommend that you park there.
Yes, routes 147, 171, 173, 580, 820, 821, 822 and 861, 863, 864 all stop nearby.
I use evidence informed treatments. These therapies have been shown by research to be effective (i.e. they have been empirically validated) or are in the process of being validated. The actual modality used will depend on the individual and presenting issue. What works well for one person may not work for someone else so I take a flexible approach throughout treatment. It is important that we work together in a partnership and I will ensure that you are comfortable and happy with whatever we are doing. The main modalities I use are: ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) which explores and addresses barriers, and develops skills to help clients act and live in accordance with their values. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which helps clients to identify and change negative behaviours and thinking patterns. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques- tapping) which helps to rapidly reduce anxiety and helps to clear emotional blocks and pain, restoring the body’s own healing ability. Can be used with a very wide range of issues including stress, anxiety, phobias, addictions and cravings, confidence, physical pain, relationship issues. Mindfulness training- this is an integral part of ACT but can be used as a stand alone skill too. TRTP (The Richard’s Trauma Process)- a profound, effective and safe process which resolves trauma (including PTSD), anxiety and depression, generally in 2 x 2-hour and 2 x one-hour sessions.
Unfortunately, my room is located on the 1st floor and there is not a lift. However, I do offer online counselling.
I do not do reports for court as I believe my time can be better spent supporting as many clients as possible through counselling.